Comunitat Valenciana Digital District has consolidated during 2019 its role as a center of revitalization of the digital transformation of the Valencian region, through the attraction of companies of the New Economy, the promotion of formation activities in technological and innovation matters, and a variety of events in which around 6,700 people involved in the technology sector have participated.


The Digital District project, based in the objective of positioning the region in the global context of the technological ecosystems recognized by companies and professionals in the sector, has stepped on the accelerator in recent months to offer a differentiated environment and services. Companies fully develop their potential “talent attraction”, in addition to promoting the exchange of technological and digital knowledge between companies and other stakeholders.

In addition to the technology companies already installed, this growing technological hub has been opened to the participation of different entities, which are given the opportunity to be part of the digital ecosystem as partners or collaborators, and participate in the services, activities, events and formation offered or developed in the Digital District.

Since its launch, the Digital District has become the great forum of the Digital Economy in the south of the region and the meeting place of its professionals, all this, together with the pre-existing ecosystem around AlicanTEC (Association of technology companies in the province of Alicante).

Around 200 activities in 2019

Thus, during the year 2019, in the context of the Digital District about 200 activities of various kinds have been programmed. These activities have been attended by a total of 6,700 professionals, who had the opportunity to interact and share experiences and knowledge, create synergies and carry out interesting alliances and collaborations aimed at developing the digital economy.

The different branches and spaces of the Digital District have hosted a complete agenda of events and outstanding initiatives in the field of technology and innovation, as well as workshops and demo days, meetings and presentations.

Distrito Digital has hosted the international artificial intelligence training initiative Saturdays AI; the Startup Wise Guys Getaway congress, which hosted 140 professionals and investors of 21 nationalities; the 1st Digital Surgery forum; the presentation of the AI ​​strategy of the Generalitat Valenciana; the first meeting of University Esports, and a long list of events in which the attendees have had occasion to know the latest advances on Big data, artificial intelligence, hardware production, digital marketing, cybersecurity, video games, eSports, eHealth… new technologies applied to different sectors such as Tourism, Fintec, Sports, Industry 4.0 or Health.
