• Leading specialists such as Andrés Pedreño, Andrés Torrubia or Carmen Pastor, as well as former students and representatives of leading companies in the digital environment have analyzed the employment potential of the sector.

(Alicante, Thursday, January 30, 2020) .- More than 450 students from the province of Alicante have participated today in the “New technological challenges for employability in training cycles of Computing”, hosted by Comunidad Valenciana Digital District.  This young public has had the chance to know the potential that new technologies offer to create new job opportunities. Therefore, they have heard the direct testimony of recognized professionals and specialists in the sector, as well as reference companies in new technologies and digital innovation.

This initiative of the Dirección General de Formación Profesional (FP) y Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial, in collaboration with the IES Doctor Balmis and San Vicente de Sant Vicent del Raspeig d’Alacant, is aimed at students in the 2nd year of the Higher Degree training cycles in Network Systems Administration, Web Application Development and Multiplatform Application Development in the province of Alicante.

Likewise, Gomicia has opted to intensify efforts to ensure that the relationship of the business and training world “is so close that it is not noticeable”, so that the world of Vocational Training “easily adapts to the needs of companies ”.

The general director of FP and Régimen Especial has referred to the project of the Comunidad Valenciana Digital District, which he has described as a “spectacular enclave” with “an impressive force” that “will be vital for the Comunidad Valenciana.”

The Deputy Director of Thematic Projects Society (SPTCV), Rufino Selva, has thanked the efforts of all the parties involved – administration, companies and schools – in the organization of this day, and has encouraged students to take advantage of this day to improve their professional competence.

Distrito Digital fomenta contacto del alumnado de FPcon empresarios y referentes del sector tecnológico

“There are many students and a lot of talent, Digital District is a project to attract companies and talent, and in just one year, especially because of the efforts of companies, we have got to create an active core of interactions and many relationships that are generated to create actions such as today’s networking. And you are a main part of this experience as future workers in the sector”, he has said.

Students who, imminently, are going to join the working world in the IT sector, have been able to learn very closely  how technology –p.e. artificial intelligence, blockchain or cybersecurity– already represents a true niche of employment due to the great demand of specialized technical personnel that this sector currently requires.

In order to bring this reality closer to the students, the conference has had references from the new economy such as Andrés Pedreño, co-founder of IT&IS and president of AlicanTEC, Andrés Torrubia, CEO of FIXR, Inc or Carmen Pastor, director of BAES – the Blockchain Lab of the Institute of International Economy of the University of Alicante–, as well as leading representatives of leading companies in new technologies and digital innovation, such as Accenture, Everis, GGTech or Indra.

In the act, experts from the sector of companies specialized in technological development and innovation with a presence in the Digital District, have been agreed that the Comunidad Valenciana “can become the new California of the Mediterranean”.

In addition, attendees have learned successful examples of entrepreneurship, coaches and former students, and the bases to contemplate self-employment and the creation of a company as a true work and future option.

You can check the full program of the day in the following link:
