Technological talent also abounds among professionals with disabilities. People with great skills and a digital approach to their work that make them ideal candidates to be part of the most disruptive technology companies and startups. A talent that we at the Comunitat Valenciana Digital District want to promote and highlight its importance. With this idea in mind, and with the aim of bringing companies and SMEs closer to the benefits of hiring people from this group, we have organized the webinar ‘Recruitment of talent in the technology sector. Professionals with disabilities’.
For this, we have the collaboration of UVocupació, the Job Placement Service of the University of Valencia (UV), the only university in the region that has this type of service. Raquel Muñoz, technician in the orientation and occupation area of the UV Foundation, explains the types of disability and how the process of incorporation into the company of these professionals is.
Watch the full video of the webinar ‘Recruitment of talent in the technology sector. Professionals with disabilities’ (in Spanish).
Benefits of hiring people with disabilities
The incorporation of professionals with disabilities in companies has multiple benefits for the strengthening of the business culture, equal opportunities, corporate reputation and, mainly, the development of the technological project. These are the main advantages of hiring people with disabilities:
- Inclusive HR policy, with which the company focuses on incorporating the best people and not on extrinsic aspects such as age, gender or disability.
- Strengthening of the corporate culture, since diversity enriches creative processes and is a very powerful innovation factor.
- Improvement of corporate reputation and CSR, while helping to achieve a more inclusive and egalitarian society, reinforcing the social recognition of the company.
- Improves the work environment, promoting equality and tolerance.
- People of some spectrum such as autism have great technological aptitudes and very special abilities.
- Tax advantages for hiring professionals with disabilities.
Get to know UVocupació:
Julia Castro’s Testimony:
About the ‘Talent i Capacitat a la Universitat’ project:
Promotion of employment of people with functional diversity
From Amaltea Proyectos, a collaborating entity of the Digital District, they remember that there are non-refundable grants for hiring certain vulnerable groups, including people with functional diversity. These are grants that range between 23,000 and 25,000 euros per worker.
If a company has expanded the workforce or plans to expand it, it is important to develop a good strategy that allows obtaining the highest possible economic performance from personnel movements and also reinforces the social responsibility plan.
The Amaltea Proyectos team prepares the strategy in coordination with the human resources department and the company’s labor consultancy, with the aim of optimizing changes in personnel matters.