- The technology hub offered an online information session this Tuesday to encourage companies and entities in Castellón to join the digital ecosystem
Castellón, Tuesday February 16, 2021.- Comunidad Valenciana Digital District today offered an online information day to encourage companies and entities in Castellón related to the new economy, to integrate into the digital ecosystem and jointly promote the development of the sector technology in the province of Castellón.
The conference, which has registered fifty representatives of companies and entities, has had the collaboration of the Diputación de Castellón, el CEEI Castellón, Espaitec (Scientific, Technological and Business Park of the Jaume I University of Castellón) and Xarxatec (Association of Technological Companies of Castellón).
Rufino Selva, deputy director of the Sociedad de Proyectos Temáticos de la Comunitat Valenciana (SPTCV), has highlighted the importance of this event as “a starting point for future actions and collaborations in the province of Castellón”, and for “Continue projecting the ecosystem of the Digital District to the entire Valencian Community”.
In this regard, he added, “our hub aims to attract and retain talent, to develop the potential of technology companies and to create an ecosystem of relationships that allows us to continue transforming our production model towards the new economy.”
Likewise, Selva has thanked the social, economic, university and business agents of Castellón, such as Diputación de Castellón, el CEEI Castellón, Espaitec of the Jaume I University of Castellón and Xarxatec, “for collaborating and activating these participation programs , so that any agent can collaborate with the Digital District to the extent of its possibilities and its tools, to interact not only in the province of Castellón, but in the whole of the Valencian Community ”.
For her part, the deputy for Transparency, Modernization, Information Technology and New Technologies of the Castellón Provincial Council, Xaro Miralles, has considered that “the economic and technological transformation project” proposed by the Digital District “is very good news” for the province of Castellón.
“We believe that the Generalitat Valenciana has fully succeeded in launching this initiative with which it hopes to turn our Community into a benchmark for digitization and use of artificial intelligence throughout Spain and throughout Europe, and in Castellón we are in a position to host and make it a success, as has also been done in the province of Alicante ”, Xaro Miralles pointed out.
For the deputy, “with the coordination of public institutions and the private sector we can carry out large projects and now more than ever, in this time in which we live we have to add greater synergies to overcome the crisis and return Castellón to the growth path ”.
Take advantage of synergies
The Director of Communication of the Digital District, Mayte Vañó, has explained the details of the participation programs, both Partner and Collaborator, with which companies, entities and institutions related to the technology sector can join the digital ecosystem, and has remarked that “having the greatest possible participation is essential for the success of the Digital District and the development of the technological hub”.
Adherence to the Digital District allows the technology companies of the Valencian Community to participate in all the Digital District projects, such as open innovation projects already started with the Port of Alicante or the international challenges in Tourism, Environment and Health that are about to to start.
Vañó has pointed that it is essential that Castellón companies and startups know the Digital District project and join the challenges and projects of the hub, and to also be able to take advantage of the advantages that create synergies and carry out interesting alliances and collaborations with powerful entities with which agreements have already been established.
Besides, Vañó has emphasized the importance for the Digital District to know in detail the technological activity carried out by companies and entities that are integrated into its digital ecosystem, to facilitate and promote these collaborative work synergies and the implementation of new innovation projects.
You can see the development of the information day in the following link: https://youtu.be/IVUcRlC9ZJ4