The 1st International Forum ‘Territories and sustainable tourism 5.0’ will be held in a hybrid format from June 16 to 18 at the facilities of the Mediterranean hub
Alicante, Tuesday June 15, 2021.- Comunitat Valenciana Digital District and the Connect Clean platform will make Alicante the epicenter of debate on technological innovation applied to sustainability from tomorrow Wednesday until Friday June 18 at the I Foro Internacional ‘Territorios y turismo sostenible 5.0’ .
The founder of the international sustainability and innovation platform Connect Clean, Sandrine Gil, and the CEO of Sociedad Proyectos Temáticos de la Comunitat Valenciana (SPTCV) and CEO of the Digital District Antonio Rodes, presented this Tuesday at a press conference the details of this event.
The l International Forum ‘Territories and sustainable tourism 5.0’ will thus bring together in the facilities of the Digital District in Alicante about 90 first-rate French, Finnish and Spanish public institutions and corporations, which will pose around 120 technological challenges for which innovative solutions are needed.
Thus, a careful selection of experts in sustainable transformation will share their experiences of success in their firms and cities of reference, both within our borders and in French and Finnish territory.
“During these 3 days in the face-to-face part, the companies will have their B2B interviews with the institutions to exchange, bring their positions closer together and, above all, build the present and future in terms of sustainability”, Sandrine Gil explained. In this regard, he also indicated that this meeting was born with the vocation of having continuity in future editions, and for this, Connect Clean has proposed “to make Alicante a meeting point for sustainability and technology“.
Por su parte, Antonio Rodes, ha resaltado que la plataforma Connect Clean “lo que está haciendo es poner en contacto a la oferta de innovación con la demanda de innovación. Para ello, se ha hecho un gran llamamiento a las corporaciones públicas y a las empresas privadas para que pudieran presentar su retos y necesidades de innovación, y al mismo tiempo hacer que empresas y startups presenten soluciones de innovación posibles ante estos retos”.
“Esto es precisamente lo que también está haciendo Distrito Digital, que es producir transferencia de innovación y de conocimiento digital a la economía real. Y por eso este evento supone un ejercicio explosivo en este sentido, dada la cantidad y las empresas de primer nivel que van a participar”, ha añadido el director general de Distrito Digital.
For his part, Antonio Rodes, highlighted that the Connect Clean platform “what it is doing is putting the supply of innovation in contact with the demand for innovation. For this, a great appeal has been made to public corporations and private companies so that they could present their challenges and innovation needs, and at the same time make companies and startups present possible innovation solutions to these challenges ”.
“This is precisely what Digital District is also doing, which is producing the transfer of innovation and digital knowledge to the real economy. And that is why this event is an explosive exercise in this regard, given the number and top-level companies that are going to participate ”, added the CEO of Digital District.
First-order participants
The quality of the companies, startups and clusters, as well as the public administrations that will take part, is already a successful call at this meeting, which will guarantee the exchange of first-rate successful experiences. Among the participants are representatives of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Hub Tourisme Paris, the city of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Dijon, the French Tech Aix-en-Provence, as well as the Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AVITEM ).
On the part of Spanish public entities, the meeting will have the participation of representatives and technicians from the three provinces of the Region of Valencia, in addition to Madrid, Córdoba, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Burgos Valladolid, Barcelona, Toledo, Huelva, Vitoria, Logroño , Navarra, Gran Canaria, Zaragoza, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), among other destinations.
The program includes a total of 53 presentations on the challenges in terms of territories and sustainable tourism framed under the umbrella of the following 10 challenges: Mobility and transport; Infrastructures and maintenance; Energy, climate and environment; Tourism with New Destination Models and Technology and Tourism; Cities / territories and industrial estates; Housing, Heritage, Neighborhoods and citizen interaction; Inclusion and culture and as well as Risk and security control.
Interested entities and companies can consult the program and register for free to follow the meeting online at the following link:* Once registered, they have to create their account and activate their profile to be able to attend electronically.
If you want to see the presentation press conference offered today by Antonio Rodes and Sandrine Gil, you can find it at the following link: