Jornada_ transformacion_tecnologica_FP


11 Nov 2020


12:30 - 14:00




Distrito Digital

Digital transformation in vocational training

Comunitat Valenciana Digital District collaborates with the General Directorate of Vocational Training (FP) and Special Regime Teaching in the organization of the event ‘Digital transformation in the vocational training’, which will take place on November 11, from 12:30 p.m. hours, in mixed format (face-to-face and online).

The event will be held online in the Digital District’s YouTube channel

The event is part of the European Vocational Training Week, which takes place from 9 to 13 November. The goal of the conference is to respond to the challenges that VET faces: new jobs for the future, practical training for students oriented to the new challenges of the labor market, and teacher training to adapt to the new tech paradigm.

Digital District has a firm commitment to promoting vocational training, and hosts in its facilities in Alicante the Center for Advanced Digital Innovation (CIDA) of the FP, promoted by the regional Ministry of Education. From Distrito Digital we seek to contribute the value of the digital transformation that companies are experiencing to professional training, opening bridges between the talent needs of technology companies and VET students, and helping the projects that are developed in the hub of innovation can collaborate to promote the digital transformation that VET requires.

The conference will feature the intervention of Manuel Gomicia, general director of FP and Special Regime Teaching of the Generalitat Valenciana; Antonio Rodes, general director of SPTCV; Emilio Martínez, director of CIDA; and Miguel Soler, Regional Secretary for Education and Professional Training.


12:30h: Institutional presentation and start of the day.

  • Manolo Gomicia, general director of FP and Special Regime Teaching of the Generalitat Valenciana.

  • Antonio Rodes, general director Sociedad Proyectos Temáticos Comunidad Valenciana (SPTCV).

13:00: Round table. Needs of the company in digital innovation. Keys to professional training.

  • Moderates: Emilio Martínez, CIDA

  • Institucional speaker:

    • Carlos Sánchez, Deputy Director General for Teacher Training.

  • Companies:

    • José Manuel Desco, general director ORIZON

    • Pablo Campos, CEO SUMAMOOS

    • Juan Saussol Perez, CEO Upicus

 13:40 Clousure:

  • Miguel Soler, Regional Secretary of education and professional training.

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