5th GoGlobal Congress
Comunitat Valenciana Digital District participates, on November 17, 2020, in the 5th GoGlobal Congress, which this year celebrates a completely virtual edition to adapt to the prevention measures of Covid-19. Digital District intervenes in the forum ‘Digitalization for international commercialization’ by the head of Coordination of the hub, Ezequiel Sánchez, who will give the conference ‘Digital District, dynamizer of the technological entrepreneurship ecosystem of the Region of Valencia in the European framework’ . It will be at 11:55 am and can be followed live on the digital channels of the congress, upon registration.
The #GoGlobalCongress is an event organized by the Chambers of Commerce of the Region of Valencia, IVACE International and ICEX Spain Export and Investments, with the aim of providing Valencian SMEs with a meeting point, through a webinar and videoconference platform, where they can address the importance of the fundamental tools for its internationalization.
Current themes and cross-cutting themes will be dealt with in three subjects: competitive intelligence, sustainability and digitization.