International Congress: The new regulatory framework for MiCA cryptoassets
Comunitat Valenciana Digital District hosts, on November 26 and 27, 2020, the international online congress ‘The new regulatory framework for MICA cryptoassets’, organized within the framework of research projects * led by several of the members of BAES Blockchain Lab.
The event can be followed in digital format through a virtual platform, upon registration on this same page; the speakers and members of the different research groups will participate in the congress in person from Building 1 of Digital District, in Alicante.
The experts participating in the Congress will analyze in depth the proposal for a new regulatory framework for cryptoassets known as MiCA, published by the European Commission on September 24, 2020. This new regulatory framework seeks that EU consumers have access to innovative and safe crypto assets without compromising market stability. Topics such as the protection of crypto users, the need for more innovative investment products, as well as the regulatory and financial risks that come with the wider use of potentially dangerous assets such as stablecoins will be discussed.
The application of the MiCA Regulation by 2024 aims to implement a single regulatory framework focused on all Member States, which should allow EU crypto asset service providers to operate more easily in all EU markets, although under stricter standards. All of this will be debated in the International Congress, with the contribution of researchers, supervisors, experts, practitioners and specialized technicians, in presentations and discussion tables.
November 26th. MiCA Digital Money
9.15 h. Opening:
- Rafael Muñóz Guillena, Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer, University of Alicante.
- Adrián Ballester Espinosa, Government spokesman for the Alicante Provincial Council and deputy responsible for European Projects, Digital Agenda and Innovation.
- Verónica López Ramón, Deputy Secretary of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.
- Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Alicante.
Presenter and moderator: Dr. Apol·lònia Martínez Nadal, Professor of Commercial Law, University of the Balearic Islands. IP of the CEDIB-UIB and member of the DIDINET Research Group
Overall conferences:
9.45.-10.15 h. Central Bank Digital Money (CBDC).
- Esther Barruetabeña Lorente, General Director of Operations, Markets and Payment Systems of the Bank of Spain.
10.15-10. 45 h. Opportunities of Blockchain technology applied to financial markets: the Fintech phenomenon
- Jose Luis Rodriguez Lopez, Head of Area of the Subdirectorate of Studies and Reports. Competition Promotion Department of the National Markets and Competition Commission.
10.45-11. 45 h. DISCUSSION PANEL Digital Money MiCA.
- Agustín Madrid Parra, Professor of Commercial Law, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville: Tokens, electronic money.
- Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Alicante. Director of Baes BlockchainLab, IP DIDINET Research Group: Asset-Referenced Stablecoins.
- Dr. Marina Echebarria Sáez, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Valladolid, member of the DIDINET Research Group: Significant Token Issuers and Competition Law Issues. The new market abuse.
- Jaume Martí Miravall, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Valencia: Supervision and surveillance.
11.45-12.15h. Question Time
- 11:45-12.00 h. Geobloqueo y comercio electrónico entre la libre circulación y el derecho de la competencia, Ed, BOE, Madrid 2020, by its author Ms. Vanessa Martí Moya, researcher at BAES, DIDINET work group.
- 12:00-12.15 h. Economía Digital Sostenible, Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2020, by its author Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere. IP Grupo de investigación DIDINET.
November 27th. Cryptoassets MiCA
Overall conferences:
10.00-10.30h. The regulatory challenge of crypto assets.
Francisco José del Olmo, Deputy Director responsible for Fintech and Cybersecurity of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
10.30-11.00h. The tax challenge of crypto assets.
Ignacio González García, National Office for Fraud Investigation (ONIF). State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT).
11.00-12.00h. FIRST DISCUSSION PANEL: Cryptoassets typology.
- Alfonso Martínez-Echevarríay García de Dueñas, Professor of Commercial Law, CEU San Pablo University: Utility Tokens
- Dr. Ana Felicitas Muñoz, Professor of Commercial Law, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Crypto assets from or for financing SMEs.
- Rafael Ferrer, Notary de Alicante: The tokenization of shares and participations of commercial companies.
- D. Jesús Sieira, registrar of property, mercantile and movable property, commission innovation college of registrars: Tokenization of personal property, real estate and rights.
- Ms. Maria Stella Resta, Ricercatore PON-AIM di diritto commerciale, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”. Italia: Nuove forme di finanziamento delle imprese: il conferimento in società di criptovalute.
12.00-12.45h. SECOND DISCUSSION PANEL. Service Providers.
- Ms. María Jesús Blanco, hired predoctoral FPU, area of Commercial Law, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville. Researcher at BAES: Token placement and sale service providers.
- María Teresa Paracampo, professore associata di Diritto dei Mercati Finanziari e dell’Innovazione Digitale – Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italia. Miembro Grupo de investigación DIDINET: La nuova frontiera della consulenza su cripto-attività: quale tutela per l’investitore?
- Ms. Mayte Otero Cobos, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, University of Malaga. Researcher at BAES: Information processing and Marketing. Special reference to Whitepaper.
12.45-13.00h. Questions Time
- Ms. M. Montaña Merchán Arribas. General Secretariat of Digital Administration. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.
13.30 h. CLOSING
- Mr. Rafael Muñóz Guillena, Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer, University of Alicante (on behalf of the rector).
- Ms. Olivia Estrella, General Secretary of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).
- Mr. Carlos Mazón, President of the Provincial Council of Alicante.
- Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Alicante.
Carried out within the framework of R + D + I Projects:
- “Dinero digital y nuevas redes de pagos. Aspectos jurídicos (DIDINET)” GVAICO 2020 -194 financiado por la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana en el marco de la convocatoria de subvenciones del Programa para la promoción de la investigación científica, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en la Comunitat Valenciana, en la categoría de grupos de investigación consolidables. Investigador Principal: Dra. Carmen Pastor Sempere.
- “Derecho del Comercio Nacional e Internacional”, SEJ 333 de la Junta de Andalucía. IP. Dr. Agustín Madrid Parra
- “Derecho Digital” (RTI2018-096201-B-I00), del programa estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad, en el marco del plan estatal de investigación científica y técnica y de innovación 2017 -2020. Investigadores Principales: Dr. Agustín Madrid Parra, Dra. Lucía Alvarado Herrera.
- “Plataformas de intercambio electrónico y nuevos modelos económicos disruptivos; problemática jurídica. En particular, el denominado alquiler turístico vacacional” Proyecto (RTI2018-097225-B-I00) financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación, la Agencia Española de Investigación y Fondos FEDER de la UE. Universidad de las Islas Baleares. Investigador Principal: Dra. Apol·lònia Martínez Nadal.
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