

Since our beginnings in 2018, we have focused on creating value by identifying what works and what doesn’t. This commitment has led us to lead initiatives such as:

  • Open innovation challenges: e-health, tourism, and climate change.
  • European Office: providing support for accessing public funds, and overcoming bureaucratic challenges to support businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Talent District: connecting companies with technological and digital talent. We believe in a skilled workforce capable of attracting new businesses.
  • Business matchmaking: actively participating in national and international events to explore synergies, benefiting companies and increasing their visibility.
Generalitat Valenciana calls for tenders for the Talent District programme

Talent District

A global hub based in the Valencian Community to attract new companies through the generation and retention of digital talent

Discover Talent District

Europe Office

Technical office for the development and technological monitoring in the field of grants, subsidies, and European funds. Its recipients are entities within the Distrito Digital ecosystem, as well as all collaborating entities of the hub in the territory of the Valencian Community.

Discover Europe Office